
Sectoral Hard Brexit?

Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters: Hard Brexit After All? | Dispute Resolution Germany We must assume that the EU and the UK were unable to reach agreement on judicial cooperation in cilvil matters. Otherwise, it would have been odd to…

Covington: Leniency Survey



New guidelines on joint bidding

Commission Staff Working Document for Damages Directive

https://ec.europa.eu/competition/antitrust/actionsdamages/report_on_damages_directive_implementation.pdf competitionlawblog.kluwercompetitionlaw.com www.competitionpolicyinternational.com



Collective bargaining and Platforms

Collective Bargaining and Platforms - Kluwer Competition Law Blog

Mastercard v Merricks [2020] UKSC 51

competitionbulletin.com www.cov.com www.shearman.com Merricks judgement marks a turning point for UK opt-out collective actions | Competition Policy blog https://iclg.com/cdr/litigation/15293-clarity-for-consumer-claims-but-mastercard-figh…


Bundeskartellamt - Homepage - Bundeskartellamt examines linkage between Oculus and the Facebook network OculusとFacebookアカウントの抱き合わせ

Canal+ (C-132/19 P)

competitionlawblog.kluwercompetitionlaw.com chillingcompetition.com chillingcompetition.com

‘I’ll call my Union’, said the driver – Collective bargaining of Gig Workers under EU Competition Rules

'I’ll call my Union', said the driver - Collective bargaining of Gig Workers under EU Competition Rules - Competition Policy International By Maria José Schmidt-Kessen & Yvette Lind (Copenhagen Business School), Christian Bergqvist & Cathe…